Total need in litres: 146.500lt (approx. 190.000€) Provision of heating oil initially to schools in Northern Greece in order to address problems arising from the very low temperatures. 2022-2023 Evros Prefecture Alexandroupolis 3rd Primary School Alexandroupolis 3rd Junior High School Alexandroupolis 5th Primary School Alexandroupolis 5th Junior High School Alexandroupolis […]
Honorary Patron Acknowledged to this day as “the master of electronic music,” Vangelis set the bar high for all who followed. And he did it naturally, instinctually – with no conventional training. By the age of four he was creating music on the family piano, by the age of six […]
Honorary Patron – The Prime Minister’s speech at the IFG Awards 2013 – The Prime Minister’s message:
Honorary Patron The best and most enduring talent is natural. People can acquire various skills by diligent study and practice, but are unlikely to reach the top rung of whichever ladder they seek to climb unless they possess a natural, inborn aptitude for what they want to achieve. Salvatore […]
Honorary Patron Nikos A. Aliagas was born in Paris on the 13 May 1969 to Greek parents, growing up bi-lingual. He studied modern French literature at the University of Sorbonne (Paris IV). In 1988 he began his media career with Radio France Internationale, moving to Radio Notre-Dame in 1992. During […]
Honorary Patron Difficile d’enfermer Stéphane Bern dans un seul registre d’activités tant elles sont multiples : à la fois journaliste, écrivain, présentateur télé, animateur radio, producteur et comédien, il croque avec gourmandise toutes les possibilités que lui offrent les médias. Né le 14 novembre 1963 à Lyon, Stéphane Bern a […]
Honorary Patron Dr Aristides Patrinos Aristides Patrinos has always been a scientific mongrel. “Anytime you start feeling comfortable in a scientific field you should push yourself out of it” he says, “just drilling down in any scientific field may be rewarding but would not stress the mind to open new […]